Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Spring Quarter 2005

Well here it is, my second quarter at SCAD. Yesterday as the first day of school and it went really well. I like both of my professors so far, hopefully today I will be three for three. My Art History professor looks a lot like Hannibal Lector, except he doesn't have Anthony Hopkins' cool accent. He does however race motorcycles, which I find very interesting! My other class is all about drawing things in 3D, it is basically a draftsmanship class which looks to be da bomb. Unfortunately the workload is going to be high with all these classes.
Last quarter however, a momumental moment in the History of the Edge took place. For the first time ever in the history of my collegiate academic career I made the Dean's list with my 3.66 GPA. HOOYAH! I rocked last quarter and all the work certainly paid off.
Spring Break was good. I did pretty much nothing except read and watch some movies. Whitney and her man Frank came down for the Savannah, St. Patty's Day celebration. It was as cold as a well digger's ass. We were going to watch a little bit of the parade and then go party, but we decided to find a bar with heat and watch the parade on TV. For the most part it was pretty tame. The city closed over River St. where all the bars are. You get padded down, pay 5 dollars for a wrist band, and then you can go in and party. Thursday it was fun but by 4 in the afternoon I was beat and ready to go home for a nappy nap. Friday however was insane. All the people that were working on Thursday or that were out of town came in for the weekend and let me tell you it was packed. Luckily there were cops everywhere. In past years I guess Savannah had been having problems, well this year you would have thought we were under martial law. There was wall to wall cops and frankly I was glad that they were there. I don't like crowds or people for that matter but when you throw alcohol and guns into the mix, shit is bound to hit the fan. This year though it was well controlled. I saw a few fights but the cops would swarm like sharks attracted to the scent of blood and squash the evil-doers.
So all in all the break was relaxing and was a decent recharge for the up coming quarter. As an aside I am starting to train for a triathlon. They are pretty big down here so there should be plenty of races, which means I will be busting my ass between school and training to get ready for stuff. I worked out last night for the first time in two months and I can say for certain my performance was just awful. So here we go climbing the mountain again...lets hope I reach the top this time and not die in the valley of the fat asses.
I feel like I have more to say but as of right now my brain is at a loss. OH WAIT! I am reading a great book right now called "Masters of Chaos" which is a history of the Special Forces from WWII to now. The later stuff is all first hand accounts which is awesome. It is really an interesting book and it dispells the whole idea of "Rambo". Make no mistake though these guys are still ass-kickers! I highly recommend it and I haven't finished it yet. I also just bought for class a 100 dollar book called the History of Art for my Art History class. The thing weights about 25-30 lbs, but it seems pretty kick ass so far. I am trying to get some pictures up of my work from last quarter so that you can all check it out but I haven't had time to upload the pics yet. So stay tuned for our next exciting adventure...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

End of the Quarter

On Thursday I finished my first quarter at SCAD. Man am I glad it is over. They work you pretty hard here and it is very much unpredictible. I am hopefully looking at all A's or close there to. Now I am on break and pretty much all by myself. This is kind of a good thing cause I got tons of shit to do that I wasn't able to take care of over the last few months. There are bills to pay, things to clean, and areas to explore.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My crib

Originally uploaded by maq911.
It has been forever since I have posted. This is my last week of classes before I have my spring break. It is definitly crunch time and the pressure is on. I am about 40 plus hours into a pointilism project for my color theory class. That is one project for one class! Not too mention I have exams in all three of my classes, and a final project for my drawing 2 class. Needless to say I have been locking myself inside my house. Which as you can see, isn't so bad. However, the weather down here has just gotten gorgeous and sitting inside all day when I could take a ride and go exploring is a torture of another kind. Anyway hope all is well with you out there in cyberland. I will definitly be posting more, look for my pointilism project to make its way up here soon too!