Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Word about Heroes...

Jim Lee's Beer
Originally uploaded by maq911.
I have been thinking about this a lot and being meaning to post but this is my first chance to do so.
I been thinking about who my heroes are, who influences me and who inspires me. Obviously my parents are a big influence. If they weren't it is either because I am an idiot or they weren't good parents, neither of which is the case.
But aside from them, the people that inspire and influence me are really few and far between. The people that impress me aren't the typical people in the spotlight. Some big name movie star could be in the same room as me and I wouldn't even blink but you put me in a room with Lance Armstrong or Jim Lee and I become a star struck fool.

I don't think it is any secret my love of Jim Lee's art. I have posted several times in this blog how much I admire his talent and appreciate the years of entertainment and fascination he has provided me. But there is more to it than that. There is more to being a "hero" or an "inspiration" than just being good at what you do. A great example is my other hero, Lance Armstrong. We all know that he is an amazing athlete and he has succeeded in doing what no one has up to this point, winning 7 consecutive victories in the Tour De France. But aside from his athletic prowess his legacy was insured by his off-bike activities. His creation of the Armstrong Foundation, his advocacy, and his kindness to fans, cancer patients and survivors will ultimately outshine his athletic records.
The same could be said of Jim Lee only on a smaller scale. As much as I am a fan of Jim Lee and Lance Armstrong I also see them as contemporaries of a sort. I would love to go ride and train along with Lance. To be coached by him and learn from him would be worth all the money in the world. At the same time I wish I could sit down with Jim Lee for at least an hour and just ask him everything about art and the comic business. That is sort of the reason why I went to the convention in Chicago. Partly because I wanted to get his autograph and say hello. The other reason was my hope that I would be able to run into him and have the opportunity to chat and get some inside information or just some tips regarding my artwork. To communicate with someone like that on a level other than being a fan would just be amazing. To be honest I am jealous of the people that work along side him. They get to pick his brain on a daily basis and learn from him which you just cannot put a price on.
Aside from being a great artist, Jim is considered one of the nicest guys in the business. There are untold number of stories by fans or young artists trying to break into the industry of his generosity and kindness. I think that is what sets him apart in many ways from a lot of the professionals out there. While in Chicago, my friend Griggs wanted to get a sketch by an artist named, Rob Liefeld. Liefeld was really big in the early 90's with his work on a book called X-Force for Marvel Comics. He literally became the next big thing in the industry and not without good reason. His style of art was unlike anything that had ever been out there. Then during the Image boom, Rob left Marvel and started his own books at Image Comics. After a while it was clear it had few original ideas, his art wasn't really progressing and he got a reputation, a bad one. Well Liefeld was at the convention and Griggs decided he was going to try and get a sketch from him. After standing in line for over an hour, Griggs finally got to approach Liefeld and as him for a sketch. Liefeld said no. It wasn't that he was too busy or wasn't doing sketches that day, he would only do a sketch for you if you bought his $50 book. Here is a guy who went from hero to zero, whose career is pretty much over and he is demanded $50 from someone who just stood in line for over in hour to get a quick sketch. You never here these types of stories about Jim Lee. He always manages to at least say hello and shake hands. True it is damn near impossible to get a sketch from him at big conventions, but that is primarily due to the number of people standing in line to see him and get his autograph. He goes out of his way to talk with fans and answer questions.
I have had two run ins with Jim over the years. The first was at my first big convention, Wizard World Philadelphia. I was entering the convention center and as I opened the door this short Asian man came running right for me. Shot through the door with the quick "Thank you!" and headed for the escalator. It took me all of 10 seconds to realize who it was after he ran by me. My other run in was more recently at Wizard World Chicago. It goes as follows...
It was Saturday, my last day at the convention. Griggs and I were pretty tired. I had been hanging out in artist alley watching Dustin Nguyen draw while asking him questions unendingly. I loved his work on Wildcats 3.0 and has since become a really big fan. I didn't know he was going to be there and when I found out I made it a point to try and talk to him. Well towards the end of the day on Saturday while I was sitting there talking to Dustin. He let me in on a little secret. There was a VIP after party for all the vendors and artist being held by the convention promoters, Wizard Magazine. He told me that he couldn't go and handed me his ticket. I sort of felt like Charlie pulling the Golden ticket out of the Wonka bar, except this was way cooler. Unfortunately the ticket only admitted two and I was with a group of four. Well another up and coming artist, Joe Dodd, was sitting next to Dustin and said he couldn't go either and gave me his ticket. I had successfully scored two VIP passes to an open bar party my last night in Chicago. Some days I am amaze myself.
The guys and I decided we would go home first, shower up and eat dinner and then go back for the after party. The entire time I was hoping that Jim would be there and I could sit down and talk with him away from all the other fans. The entire convention I wasn't able to get closer than my zoom lens would allow because he was mobbed. He and Frank Miller (of Sin City fame) were working on a project together and were both at the convention. On top of that the convention had a new policy of having to get tickets at a certain time to be allowed to stand in line to meet certain people. Jim was one those "certain people" and I was never able to get a damn ticket. I was pretty hopeful he was going be there.
We arrive at the party and give our passes. I am surprised they let us in because I think it was pretty obvious we were not vendors or artists. Anyway we get in there and get our free drinks. I ordered a Jack Daniels and got a Jim Beam that tasted like fermented dog piss. The guys and I grabbed a table and talked while I was monitoring who walked in and out of the room. No Jim.
As the party was ending we decided to go downstairs to the sports bar that was attached to the hotel. The place is packed. Nothing but fanboys and comic creators. Still no Jim. I pretty much gave up at that point. I ran into a few people I had met earlier that day, Had another drink, shot the shit and then the guys and I decided to go home. Just as we are trying to leave, the sea of geeks parts and in walks Jim. He isn't there 10 seconds and he gets swarmed, like Jesus in a leper colony. I really try not to be another fan when meeting these guys. I try to say something intelligent and insiteful to let them know their works i appreciated. Nine times out of ten I still sound like a dick, but hey I try. I was determined at this point to meet Jim, say hello and move on. I post on his blog often enough, he should hopefully recognize my name. Well the minutes go by, Jim buys a round of drinks for people. Fans ambush him left and right while he is talking to his friends and colleagues. I pretty much decide that in order to meet him I have to interrupt someone and come off like a rabid uber-geek.
I walk up to Jim and introduced myself. He has been drinking a little bit and it takes a second and low and behold a light goes off in his eyes, he knows who I am. This is most pleasing. He introduces me to a few people, name one guy that is running an online contest sponsored by Jim's blog. I talk to him briefly. Then go back to Jim. I say something like, "Before I leave you alone, will you be signing tommorrow..." but before I can get the words out, he looks at me. He has this smart-ass grin on his face and a beer in his hand. He gives me the beer and says "Here ya go, this my gift to you." At this point I am trying not to laugh hysterically or to tell him that I don't drink and actually HATE beer. But instead I shut up and smile and like a little boy who just made out with the homecoming queen say in a shaken voice "Thank you. Before I go, are you signing tommorrow?" Jim tells me yes but he doesn't know what time. At that point I say thanks again for the beer and walk back to my table...
At least I think I walked, but I don't remember my feet touching the ground. I do remember I was smiling and I kept saying to myself, "Jim Lee just gave me a beer!" I got back to my table and told my friends. At first, Griggs didn't believe me. Then he says "What did he buy everyone a beer?" Not to let him piss on my golden moment I reply most forcefully "NO! He gave this to me!" I don't think I stopped smiling for the next 48 hours.
I originally went to Chicago with the intent of getting his autograph on a few comics and introducing myself. Instead what I got was a pretty damn cool story to tell. That is a whole lot better and worth more than signing a book, at least to me it is. The picture up at the top is of me holding the beer that Jim gave me. I wasn't able to take it with me unfortunately but I got the picture to remind myself. This story is why he is my favorite artist. It isn't just about the pictures. It has just as much to do with the person as it does with the art or the sport or whatever. I think if more people realized that they would find themselves in better company and probably more successful.
Anyway, that is enough out of me. Like I said this has been on my mind a while and I wanted to get it out. I should be posting more soon and the blog should be changing it's appearance as well. Good night all
PS. Jim, thanks for the story

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wizard World 2005! continued...continued...

Cobra Commander and Destro
Originally uploaded by maq911.
Another big part of conventions is people dressing up at their favorite characters. Everything from video games and comic characters to cartoon and anime characters. I thought these two were just outstanding. For those of you who aren't children of the 80's we have Destro and Cobra Commander from GI JOE fame or um...infamy depending on how you look at it..

Wizard World 2005! continued...

Dustin Nguyen
Originally uploaded by maq911.
Another artist I got to meet was a real surprise! I was a huge fan of the book Wildcats 3.0. During the run of the book I was introduced to the art of Dustin Nguyen who is pictured here doing a sketch for a fan. I got a sketch from him picturing Grifter and Zealot. I LOVE this guy's art. After seeing him in Wildcats I really started following his career. Right now he is rocking on The Authority: Revolution. Check it out if you get a chance. OR you could go to his website at
Acutally I would be remiss if I didn't tell this tale. While at the convention I was walking around and I was pretty tired. I stumbled upon Dustin by accident and was really excited to get the chance to meet him. However, when I got to the DC booth he was just about to leave. Expressing my disappointment he told me about his table over in artist alley. So I walked with him over to his table and we started talking. Well next thing I know I have been chatting with him for an hour and he offers me a seat. I ended up hanging out with the rest of the convention which was REALLY COOL. It was great to talk to him and hear about the business from the other side. At the end of it all, Dustin gave me a VIP party pass that was for the creators only party held by the convention. IT WAS AWESOME! So thank you Dustin, you are the man...keep up the great art too

Wizard World 2005!

Ale Garza
Originally uploaded by maq911.
A lot of what comic conventions are about is getting ot meet your favorite creators and possibly get them to draw you something. My goal for the weekend was to meet Jim Lee and Frank Miller, who are currently working a on book together. Unfotunately I would have had better luck getting to meet President Bush.
However I did meet some cool peeps. Here is Ale Garza who works for Wildstorm and is just coming off a really hot run on Batgirl. He is doing a creator owned book that should be coming out over the next year. Anyway I got him to sketch me a Cassandra Cain, the "new" Batgirl! Check it out!

Wizard World 2005!

DC Booth
Originally uploaded by maq911.
Upon entering the Rosemont Convention Center just outside Chicago this is the first set up you see at the convention. Yes, the DC booth. My favorite company and of the big two (Marvel and DC) the most fan friendly.
Saw some really cool stuff at this booth. For those of you that are fans of "Robotech" there is a new movie coming out on DVD. An updated backstory or sorts. They showed a preview at the booth and I have to say I am really freaking excited! Robotech was so fascinating to me and a real inspiration to the imagination. Can't wait to see it when it comes out. I haven't been able to find the trailer online anywhere but when I do I will probably post the link up on here. For now...check out

Hello Chicago!

Originally uploaded by maq911.
I know it has been a while since I wrote but with the end of the quarter coming on fast spare time is few and far between.
So I went to Chicago a few weeks back to check out Wizard World 2005. It is a huge comic convention and my Griggs and I decided to attend this year.
I had never been to Chicago before and I have to say it is an amazing city. I sometimes forget living on the East Coast how much older everything is. Chicago is like a brand new city fresh out of the box. Incredibily beautiful and clean. Sure there are some bad parts but it isn't anywhere near the shit-hole that Savannah is. Just going down to the lake shore is worth the trip. It still wierds me out that Chicago is on a lake that is so big you can't see the other side. Growing up on the Atlantic Ocean you think the only thing nearly as big is another ocean. Seeing Lake Michigan really puts it into persepective just how big this planet is...

Friday, August 05, 2005



I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

D. H. Lawrence

Man, what a week. Things are picking up like a clepto in a dollar store. My plaster heads are all dry, which is good. Now I just have to figure out what to do to them. I been watching a lot of those motorcycle shows on the Discovery Channel. I think I want to paint one of the heads like they paint the bikes. We'll see how that works out.
Anyway, I have royally screwed up my thumb. I have a really nasty sprain from taking a huge hit in dodgeball. Tieing my shoes has become a real chore and just trying to get my wallet out of my back pocket is something of an exercise. I just hope it heals up quick so when the tournament comes I will be able to rock and roll.
Today was really wierd. I generally do not get a lot of phone calls but today my phone was blowing up from friends I hadn't spoken to in a while. It was actually great to hear from all of them but as usual I had limited time to chat. Such is the life of a SCAD student.
I have to say I really do like 3D design. One of the reasons for this is that while I am in class there is another Professor from school who is working on making his own stained glass windows. I am not sure why but I find this really fascinating and I tend to finish my work really fast so that I can watch the process. It is actually really a tedious process that requires a lot of attention to detail and trial an error. BUT IT IS SO COOL!
On another note, I think my blog is starting to get around. Which is cool because that means more people are reading and possibly commenting. However I am opening myself to less privacy and much more criticism. Naturally I am weary of this but I think it might be good in a way. If I ever actually use this blog to write something other than my daily thoughts and experiences, maybe people will read and I will get even better feed back. There is a really drunk guy outside my window right now and he was just being attended to by an ambulance. Now he is just stumbling away...ah life can be sooo entertaining.
My friends are watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer right now. I can't say I am big fan of the show but they are so it is interesting watching with them. The life of a fan-boy is a constant struggle.
Anyway, I am gonna run now. Have a good night

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

As I mentioned earlier I was working on a short movie for one of my classes. It is done! If you want to see it and you know you do check it out at my webpage. It is under the multimedia section. The site is a work in progress and will hopefully in the near future be the main source for all my artwork and writing. Don't worry though, the blog will continue here and I will have it linked at my homepage.
PS. Did you know Kangaroos cannot walk backwards? The is my Snapple fun fact for the day!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Well, yesterday I was in an absolutely foul mood. So nasty was it that I did not post for fear of upsetting myself at a later date. Why so nasty? Well it started off with some rude emails that I had gotten from some friends of mine, then I had to give a speech yesterday that was an absolute disaster! I totally bombed it and the real shit of it is that I would not have had to give my speech if my classmates had bothered to show up. THEM BASTARDS! To top it all off we lost our dodgeball game to a far more inferior team even though I had a personal best with several catches and spike outs.
Anyway, today has been a much better day. My clay head is finished. It looks nothing like me, but it looks human and that is all that matters. I was able to make a mold of it today using this really nasty stuff called "mix-a-mold", think slimy jello that looks like whale fat. After making the mold I was then able to make 4 plaster casts of my head. Two full-heads and two faces. That took me a total of 7 hours. Class is only 2.5 hours long, you do the math and it equals out that I am a determined student with no social life. BUT IT IS DONE! HUZZAH!
So, what's next? trip is coming up in 48 hours. I have two papers to write, one is another freaking speech and the other is a critical analysis of a speech. I have to finish a movie (soon to be up on my website), polish off a website (the one previously mentioned), do a still-life and then my friends that is the end of my quarter. I am sure there are some final exams in there somewhere but with the exception of art history I have yet to have to study for anything here. This is a school of doers and thinkers not of memorizing reguritators. AND that my friends, rhymes (sort of) which makes me even cooler (kind of).
Next up, is the rents coming to visit which means I have to clean the house. Laundry to fold, Harry Potter to read, things to draw, women to...well you get the idea
See ya soon
The Edge