Friday, June 30, 2006

Learning the ropes of web development...

Check out this site, it is my first foray into real web design! Tell me what you think!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Vector Graphics...

So I am back in school taking accelerated courses. My usual 10 weeks of hell has been crammed into 5. I have two of these classes back to back everyday from noon to about 9 pm. On top of that it is the same teacher (who is cool as hell) but it still makes for a long day. Yet somehow, I have realized that I am 100 times happier when I am doing work for school...which leads me to believe, I am a work-a-holic. Why shouldn't I be!? I come from a family of work-a-holics and I am an American. We as a nation are notorious for not taking vacation or using leisure time to improve our lives. I feel so patriotic my sphincter is winking!
In all seriousness though, it is true. I am not happy unless I am neck deep in projects. Which is really sad because when I think of how I spent my vacation lying on the couch watching TV that I realize how miserable I was making myself. The less time I am given to think and the more time I am made to concentrate on work the more fulfilled I feel (provided my work comes out great, otherwise...)
So there it is, I have become something I never thought I would. I use to laugh at all my friends who would work insane hours and just keep hitting the books...and now I am one of them. The only upside to this is the more that I work, then perhaps the better my skills will get and I will get that much closer to obtaining an amazing job in which I do absolutely nothing and get paid for it. Ah...the irony