Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Well here it is Easter Sunday and what better day to resurrect something like a blog! It has been a really long time and so much has gone on that I am not sure where to begin. Let me recap

1) I am still in Savannah, still going to school, still not make art the way I want to...but I am learning

2) I went to New York a few months ago and I now have an internship with Rolling Stone this summer.

3) I need a place to live in New York for a few months so that I can do the internship, if you know anyone please help me out

4) I am now a member of SCAD's Security Department. I have a radio, a bike, a uniform and I fight crime. It is almost like Batman

5) I am knee deep in homework that I haven't started because I work from 6 pm to 2 am, fighting crime on the mean streets of Savannah.

6) Did I mention that I am totally unarmed?

7) I have to go to the this will end this post. Look for more coming soon!


Anonymous said...

For the love of God, it's about time you posted again. I've been meaning to call you and yell at you. Congrats on being Batman and the Rolling Stone thing. And you're not totally've got your wits. Ok, maybe you are totally unarmed!!! Call me when you have time -- Steve

Anonymous said...

I am extremely offended that you would compare your newest post to the holy event that occurred and is celebrated on Easter. Do you get it? At all? This is just appalling. I can’t even begin to describe how disappointed I am with you and the fact that you would bring religion into this.
Did you get your ass nailed to a big stick? I don’t think so! Do you go around wearing a stylish crown of thorns? Nope again. Blog…. Easter… Indeed. Come on boy… walk on water… I dare you.
It isn’t like posting on your blog is like the resurrection… damn, your blog has been dead a while now. At least Jesus got up off his lazy dead ass after 3 days and did something productive. Heck… the world was created in like a week or something and we don’t even get regular blog posts.

Anyways… welcome back; we missed you Batman.


Brian Yu said...

this day was my birthday!