Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mounting Frustration

So today I met with a Professor from the Sequential Art department. For those of you who don't know what sequential art is, think comic books. I was planning on double majoring in graphic design and sequential art. Well after meeting with an advisor about this I have to say I am rather frustrated. In order to double major, I will have to take about 40 classes. Let's see, 40 classes divided up into four quarters at three classes a quarter is about... 4 academic years and one extra quarter. Whereas if I minored in sequential I would only have to take 30 classes. This sort of pisses me off...I am 26 years old, I would be thirty something by the time I finished school and I would still probably want to go back to get a masters. 3 BA's and an MA ain't so bad, but JESUS CHRIST I WILL BE HERE FOREVER! On top of that, people keep reminding me of the cost. Mind you, I am paying for this all through loans which I can defer for sometime. I don't know what to do. The dreamer side of me says double major. The practical side of me says to minor. The animal side of me just wants to break some furniture and then go get laid....TOO MANY VOICES TOO MANY VOICES!
Alas, any advice you have to offer would be wholly appreciated...


Anonymous said...

hmmm, well from someone with two ba majors and i masters, and 20,000 in loans i say take more classes a semster. not that you want to hear it, but it is my advice. whit

Anonymous said...

Considering that no one expects you to do what you study. I would say go for the minor and just get a lot of freelance and pro bono work experience in the fields that your are interested in so you can build up a good portfolio. Experience matters way more than education. So take the classes that will best help you get the experience you need to land some good portfolio building projects. Develop yourself a great website that shows off what you can do and spend the rest of your time hunting for freelance work on craigslist and try and get a rep at http://marcom.aquent.com/

good luck!
