Thursday, October 14, 2004

Fatboy Edge

I consider it a disturbing fact that the majority of America is obese. I consider it even more disturbing that I technically add to that majority. Now it isn't like I live a sedintary lifestyle. I work out like a crazy man! I have seen some improvement in my strength and muscle size, but still seem to retain some useless body fat that just won't quit. I have concluded that it is in fact my diet that is keeping me from becoming the trim and slim young man that I once was. However, saying that is so much easier than doing that. Let's look at the facts of my life.
1) I hate and therefore don't ever cook. I pretty much always eat out.
2) I am a very picky eater
3) I love to eat
4) I live with my parents, who are not the pinnacle of fitness...which means they don't exactly buy the healthiest food. Which means I continue to eat terribly.
Why am I writing this? The frustration of trying to lose weight and increase athletic performance is not an easy burden to bare.

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