Thursday, January 06, 2005

Put up or Shut up

Two things and this will be a short post. First off, this is my blog and I will write about whatever the hell I want to. I will name names, I will tell it like I see it, and I will lie through my teeth if I want to. If you don't like it, fuck you. This is my webspace. I don't generally take to lying but I am not about to put kid gloves on to spare your feelings. Sometimes I am pissed and rather than shooting a bunch of people I choose to write here. You don't like it, fuck you. I got my first amendment so long as Bush and his Neocon lapdogs do not erase the Constitution. I am sorry if I make you mad, but you have to be an educated reader. It is your responsibility to realize that one entry does not sum up everything about me or how I feel. I come in many shades of gray, you want black and white? Go fuck yourself. If you don't like what I write don't read it. No one gets to edit me or censor me. I promise that I will never indanger you or give out your address...but that is it. So in short, Fuck you this my blog and I will do whatever the fuck I want.

Secondly, all of you regardless of your political bent should check this site out. WWW.OPERATIONAC.COM After reading it, do it. If not....fuck you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the hell is this all about?