Saturday, January 15, 2005

Tales of Savannah Part II

It is about 8:50 pm and I am still at school. Just to give you an idea of what life is like here, there are no Friday classes at SCAD. You have three classes a quarter and they all meet from Monday to Thursday. Doesn't sound to bad right? Well my second week here is ending, and there hasn't been a day since school started that I have spent any less than 6 hours on campus. That includes the weekends! So here is Friday night, I should be getting my drink on and looking for honeys but instead I am here working on my color theory project. I have started this thing over twice. It is due Tuesday and overall I have easily worked over 20 hours on this fucking thing. I am no where near done. I could try and explain to you what I have to do...but I am gonna go out on a limb and say you wouldn't understand. So I am taking a little break to post on the bloggy blog. I am thinking that this is going to be the best way to keep in touch with me for now, or at least see what I am up too. I have been so damned busy I haven't had a chance to call anyone or do anything else. So consider this website a mass email to all you out there in the real world.
Savannah is increasingly an interesting place. First off, it smells here. I never thought I would say this but it smells worse than Statin Island (which I think I just spelled wrong). Shaolin smells like fucking sweet roses compare to this place. My new friend Kelsey has described the odor as really bad sourkraut. Not sure if that is acurate but it is really awful. It seems that for all of Georgia and South Carolina's beauty and preservation of nature they have a really shitty emissions rating (Thank you Emmy Lou). No doubt this odor is directly related. From what I gather, besides the equally nasty edition of low tide, there are several mills and industrial areas in Savannah down by the water. Two of which I blame are the paper mill and the coal power plant. When you add this obnoxious odors together on top of a recently discovered landfill plus low tide, you get something that is very acidic and can taste it in the back of your throat. It really makes me want to gag. However, it is better than coffee when it comes to waking you up in the morning.
Another funny thing I have noticed about Savannah is the crazy people. I already commented on the homeless folks and I am not sure the crazy people are a mutually exclusive group, but they are entertaining. I have seen and quickly walked by several older women who are talking to themselves. This in and of itself is not a big deal. What is a big deal is that they are actually screaming at themselves and someone who aparently they can see but no one else, or at least I, cannot. They (the crazy people) are very very upset by they actions of the invisible antagonizer. They are so upset that if you wanted to, you could easily spend a day sitting in one of Savannah's beautiful squares, and watch them for hours yell and cuss and shake their fist in the air. My personal favorite is when the crazy people stare down the invisible entity, and yell "Look at me! Do I look like I am foolin around!" The invisible person must certainly have a death wish, because if you were to look in the eyes of these very angry crazy people, you would certainly die of fright. Medusa has nothing on them.
Now I am not sure if all these people are crazy. Most of them sure, there was one lady that I passed who was screaming at her invisible "friend" and after about 45 minutes when I came back to the same spot, she was still tearing the invisible bastard a new transparent asshole. But I also thing talking to oneself is something that man older women in the black community do. I have seen and spoken to a few older black ladies, who didn't seem crazy but certainly did talk to themselves in a manner of thinking out loud, albeit really loud. So my study of this phenomena will continue. Look for a later post on the oddities of white southern married men.
That aside, my class are all very interesting however work intensive. I haven't really been able to set up my house because my furniture was delivered the night before school started. I don't usually get home till 10ish and usually I just say hi to my mom and then go to sleep. However, last night was the first night I slept in my bed and I have to say it was rather nice.
Oh, and just so all you people out there in TV don't think this is the tropical paradise of Eden (not that you would have meeting all the crazies and smelling the place) IT IS FUCKING COLD TODAY. In a way it reminds me of home, but people around here forget to shut the AC off. It is one of those wet colds too. Similar to Narragansett at could be the middle of summer and if you go out on the beach at night and stick your feet in the dry sand, you are liable to get frost bite. It is that kinda cold. The kind that you underestimate and then it whoops your ass. Anyway I have turned the heat up in this room three or four times and the thermostat still reads 65. Not really cold, but when you combine the 36 degrees outside and the wetness (everything here is wet) you get really fucking cold. But I will stop my whining because this is the first rainy day I have had since I got here. Well I have to get back to my color theory project. Oddly enough since I started taking this class I have noticed colors a lot more. All you LSD fans out there should put the shit down and take one of these class...I can't take a shit now without comparing the hues and values of everything around me. Fucking education...

1 comment:

Pancho Vista said...

Ah. Now you have something in common with Jerry...