Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tales of Savannah

It seems like it has been ages since I did a fresh post. My last post was actually composed in word while staying at a friend's house. I was there because I was waiting for the business end of my parent's vacation house to be completed. Until the bank gave the money to the lawyers involved, I would not be given the keys. So anyway, I am now in. Tons of shit has happened in the few short days I have been here. I have tons of emails I need to respond too. I keep promising to write soon, but I just got hot water in my house so things are moving a little slow. I just found out last night that all my stuff that I packed up and put on a moving truck won't be here for another two weeks. That means no clothes or furniture. I am slighly less than amused.
So here I am in Anderson Hall. I used to live at an Anderson Hall while I was at American U, now it seems my foundation studies courses will all be held at Anderson Hall, which coincidentally is the building furthest from everything and right smack in the ghetto. I walked here the other day and discovered a jewelry store that specializes in making gold teeth the same day. That is just one of the new things I am noticing about the south. Back in DC and Rhode Island, I never saw anyone with dental bling bling except for the occassionally hip hopper on MTV. Down here, everybody has gold teeth, or at least one tooth is gold. I think there is some correlation with status and the amount and quality of dental jewelry. I think tommorrow I will put an order in for me.
I haven't met too many people. I think it is plainly obvious to the undergraduate population that I am older than dirt. Which is fine, I have no interest in dealing with certain aspects of undergraduate life. However, there are some nice looking ladies down here. That being said they are all like 18 and that makes me a pedofile. Moving on...the most interesting person I met was on my first day here at school. Orientation was rather interesting at SCAD. It is divided into two sessions. The morning session from 8 am to 11 am is taking care of ID's, schedules, etc etc. I got there at 7:50 am. Found my way around as any bumbling idiot would do and with in about 45 minutes I was done with everything. That means at 8:45 am I was in the middle of Savannah, GA with no place to go and nothing to do. The afternoon session didn't start till 1 pm. This also happened to be on a Sunday. Which, unlike the North, everything, including the hooker's legs, are closed! Well my tired ass walked up and down the whole God Damned city. Finally I ended up at the school book store where I bought a magazine. I then continued to walk till I came to a rather nice square. Savannah is a city of squares, similar to DC being a city of circles. Take note you urban planners, circles and squares fuck up traffic. Here I am sitting in this nice square, the name of which escapes me, passing time reading a magazine about comics (WHATELSE!?) and a homeless man walks up to me and introduces himself as Charlie.
Charlie it seems, had spent the day out in Hilton Head trying to find a job. A few things struck me as odd. I live between Savannah and Hilton head and it took me about 30 minutes to drive to the city at ludacris speed. How the fuck did Charlie, the homeless guy, with no car get from Savannah, GA to Hilton Head, SC? Driving would have taken 45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic and one's destination. BUT THAT IS DRIVING! To get to SC to GA through Savannah you have to cross a rather large bridge that does not allow pedestrians and I can quarantee he didn't swim his ass across the Savannah River. Anyway, Charlie sits down next to me on the bench and explains that while he tried to get a job out there, he doesn't think he was successful. He tells me he "I am one of the homeless here in Savannah..." and proceeds to explain it has been a really long time since his last meal. I gave him all the change in my pocket and wished him well. Then off he went. What struck me most was "I am one of the homeless in Savannah." It was almost as if they were an exclusive club but more in the vain of "those are my bastard children." Never in any city that I have been to have I ever seen as many homeless. What disturbs me more is that I am unaware of any support services for them. I get the feeling the city tolerates them as a great lion tolerates fleas. Scratches them when they get in his way but for the most part ignores there existence. I think this will require more investigation on my part.
On a more positive note my classes are at the very least interesting. I have Drawing II, Color Theory, and Art History 101. So far I have solidified my place in Drawing II as the kid who has no fucking clue. My professor in Color Theory seems to be a little spark plug who spits out information like a wood chipper. Art History is the one class that I care the least about but so far has been the most structured. My Art History professor seems like a very nice woman but a deep academic. She was definitly picked last in gym class if you catch my meaning.
Everything just seems a blur in the short week or so that I have been here. I have experienced so much and yet I get the feeling it isn't even a drop in the bucket. I promise to start posting more but as it stands right now, I don't have a desk and furthermore only a few rooms in the house actually have lights. Really, it isn't as ghetto as it sounds but it ain't the Plaza either. There will be more to follow...James Bond will Return...
PS...whoever Pancho Vista is, Thanks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you care least about art history? that hurts my heart. can i write your papers for you?