Sunday, July 31, 2005

Montgomery Hall, The Sixth Circle of Hell...

Ah, what a weekend! I did nothing but homework. I am trying to get ahead because next weekend I will be out of town and trying to do sculpture on an airplane is against FAA and TSA regulations.
I am in SCAD's world famous Montgomery Hall right now. The only building on campus that doesn't close at 5:30 during the summer. It is essentially the digital media/art building. Lots of animators and visual effects people, as well as film and game design. In a nutshell, it is a building full of single guys who stare at monitors for weeks at a time, never showering, barely eating, dreaming of Brittney Spears and not realizing there is a world outside of Cyberspace. I fit right in...
Anyway, I "finished" my clay head. However, it looks NOTHING like me and to be honest it barely looks human. Such is life, I only had a weekend to learn terra cotta, and create a self portrait with it. NO EASY FEAT! The last time I even worked with clay I think I was like 13. But anyway it is done and Tuesday I will start the plaster casting process that is the major part of the assignment. I was actually instructed to do at least three self portraits in my sketchbook. I have never actually looked in a mirror and drawn myself before. It is incredibly hard and when you have to stop and analyze the details of yourself two things happen: 1) You realize just how ugly you really are 2) How much you suck at drawing. So all in all this assignment has been a real kick in the balls as far as my frustration level is concerned.
If that wasn't enough, tommorrow I have to give a speech on the Tour De France and Lance Armstrong. As if I haven't milked that guy enough (i.e. my pointilism project) now I am doing an oral report on the man. Sooner or later I am going to have to start paying him royalties. Whatever, at least it is done, I just have to make up some note cards and I am good to go. Then when I finally get home, I have to make a movie for another one of my classes. This weekend is very ironic because I thought it would be one of those weekends where I would get to catch up on all my extra work and be in the green for my trip. As my luck would have it, I am just barely out of the red and I have a ton of shit to do before tommorrow rears its ugly head. Yes, I know I complain but the truth is I like my classes, especially my 3-D Design (read that as sculpture) class. I get to build stuff which I like to do and until I had to make something that was actually human and out of clay I was kicking ass. This too shall pass...
This weekend wasn't a total loss though. I got more of my cds onto my computer and thusly onto my iPod. Furthermmore I been hearing from my boy Caz in Berlin and the Gooch in working for the Sox in Beantown. Miss those guys, so it was great to hear from them. Only problem is I have little time to chat on the phone so I always have to cut the pleasantries short. I did manage to go out one night this week. I didn't drink because I had so much to do but my friends did and man where they smashed! Now when I get smashed I have a tendency to say off-color things...who am I kidding I do that sober. Regardless I never do anything stupid...for example. We went to Sorry Charlie's and there were all these custom choppers out front. My buddy Kelsey was highly shit faced and decides he is going to sit on one of these 150,000 dollar bikes. Well as Adam and I start yelling at him, the bikers that own the bikes come out of no where and all hell breaks lose. Adam gets Kelsey off the bike and they both begin to grovel in front of this rather large bald tattooed (probably a canabal) biker. Who responds with "Get him the fuck outta here" YES SIR QUICKER THAN YOU CAN BLINK! Yes, I may say stupid thing and embaress myself but I dont' get my friends in potential fights, unless it is over a girl but was only one time and I wasn't drunk...oh and it was MY girl.
So you can see it was kind of crazy this weekend. Stress levels were high and Savannah was full of hell. But all in all, it wasn't too bad. I think it was the longest amount of time I have actually spent in my house since the quarter began. I am usually at School from Early mornnig till late at night...
In other news..DAMN YOU ANONYMOUS POSTERS with your hints of how to get a date or members of the opposite sex willing to take on this hideous monstrosity. Have some balls and leave your name!
Ok well back to working on my speech...I am starting to feel the Sandman
PS. I can't wait for Mel Gibson's new movie "Revenge of the Christ."


Anonymous said...

I hope your clay head doesn't look like Lynol Richies from that video. it me you're looking for.....

Pancho Vista said...

Lionel Richie rox!