Friday, December 03, 2004

absent minded unemployee

The other day I mention something to a friend about having to scan some pictures to put up on my blog. Well, as it turns out my sketchbook (one of them) is now packing in a trunk in the back of a truck on its way to Bluffton, South Carolina. Inside it are any and all "finished" pieces that I would have posted up here. This is a testament to just how absent-minded I am.
I have been really noticing lately that in the time it takes me to walk from my bedroom to my kitchen that I have forgotten a whole bunch of things. I can't really tell you what they are because, well I have forgotten them. I find this rather disturbing and God help my brain if my body is hungry because then it just gets worse. Not only do I get absent-minded but I begin to go deaf. Really, people can ask me things and I will completely ignore them in the quest to find food. It is a very strange thing. Usually in the morning after I get back from my run or whatever, I will shower up and get dressed. By this time my Mother has, without fail, asked me to do 10 different things before I make my way to the breakfast table. I will be lucky if I remember my shirt, nevermind all the requests she made. This results in a sort of post workout workout. Usually it involves me running up and down stairs to various different levels of the house, carrying semi-heavy objects to their next location. It is a wonder I have any bodyfat at all. Mind you, it isn't that I don't listen but it is quite possible for me to go into a room with the intention of doing something and get distracted by something else that will lead me on random thoughts and I will completely forget what I was meant to do in the first place. A perfect example is walking into a book store. Christmas shopping in Barnes and Noble or Borders or wherever is truly a battle for me, because by the time I actually remember what I came in for I have already gone through all the magazines, comic books, sports, military history, science fiction and literature sections before realizing that 20 minutes ago I came in there to buy a present. There is also something about books stores that make me have to go to the bathroom. I am not sure what it is, and mind you it isn't a quick pee either. Perhaps it is the smell of pages or the warmth of bookjackets that suddenly makes my bowel work! Who knows!?
That is really all I have to say today. Had a horrible run this morning. After drinking the night before what can I expect but 2.2 miles in 22 minutes is absolutely atrocious! Need to get my ass in gear!

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