Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I meant to write yesterday but when I got online I started to talk with too many people and I just wasn't able to post. I think from now I won't sign onto IM until after I have done my posts! Anyway, it seems people have been enjoying the sketches so maybe I will put a few more up. It is funny how the more I look at them, the more I start to pick at them. This line should be tighter, this is out of proportion, etc etc. Ah well, I am never satisfied!
I went to the gym this morning as is my usual ritual. Today was abs/cardio. For those of you who don't know I am an aspiring triathlete and I am using the winter months to build a good base and slim down. I usually lift Monday, Wednesday, Friday and I run on those mornings. Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I bike. I only just recently changed my schedule a bit to include an abs workout on bike days instead of on lift days. This was done in an attempt to save myself some time! Well today I did an ab workout, that was kind of random, although it was still challenging. My lower abs and obliques are my biggest "problem areas". I pretty much hold all my weight there. So after finishing my abs I jumped on the bike to do my hill routine. I ride for about 35 minutes with varying degrees on intensity depending on the climb that I am doing. However, today I was only on the bike for 12 minutes before I said the hell with it. I don't know why but lately I have been really tired. I haven't been sleeping well and as a result I am getting up later and it is throwing off my whole schedule! So I am hoping this is the only day this week that will be the case. Basically, no more excuses! Alexis called me fat the other day so now I have a firecracker up my ass to lose my last 15 pounds! What I have been meaning to do though is take an "after" picture of me. I took a picture when I first moved home, when I had gained a shitload of weight. Now it has been a year and I would like to see the difference. Maybe I will even post them...
On a more positive note, I love itunes. Now I don't have a Mac (yet!) but I downloaded it for windows. Besides it being a really easy program to manage your music files, as well as a great player and all of that, the radio stations are great. I have been listening non-stop to Beatlesarama and all Beatles radio station listed under the classic rock heading. They play all sorts of music related to the Beatles. Unheard recordings, the usual hits, even modern music that has a certain Beatles feel. It is really quite sharp! I high recommend it.

Also, this past Sunday I saw the movie Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. I am a bit of a movie person but I because the theaters are so expensive I am really choosey in what I see. I normally would have waited for this on DVD or something. I am glad I didn't! It was great. For those of you who don't know it is the story of James Michael Barry, the playwright who created Peter Pan. Now I am not sure how historically accurate the picture is but it was just awesome. Johnny Depp is really an amazing actor. His scotch accent was so effortless and believable. The movie was very funny at points but one of the great parts of it were the imagination sequences. Very surreal and very magical. I highly recommend going to see this, it was just a great film. It also reminds us of the importance of imagination and fantasy in life, something I often think the modern world forgets.

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